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BoomTown + Structurely Integration Overview
BoomTown + Structurely Integration Overview

Connect BoomTown and Structurely with the following steps

Emma Holmes avatar
Written by Emma Holmes
Updated over a week ago

Manage Structurely, entirely through your BoomTown CRM 🎊

  • Send leads directly from BoomTown to Structurely to engage

  • See the entire Structurely conversation in BoomTown

  • Take over from Structurely AI and respond yourself from BoomTown


  1. Connect BoomTown to your Structurely account here

  2. Add tags starting with "Structurely: " to any lead in BoomTown you wish to enroll in Structurely

  3. View conversations in BoomTown and add the tag "Structurely: Muted" to stop the AI from continuing the conversation

  4. (OPTIONAL) Set up automatic lead tagging in BoomTown by mapping a BoomTown agent to a Structurely tag so every lead that's assigned to that agent or rep within BoomTown will get the specified Structurely conversation from the tag

Full Structurely + BoomTown integration setup guide πŸ‘‡

Start by going to Structurely > Settings > Integrations and clicking the toggle in the BoomTown integration setup box

In the pop up modal, click "Connect to BoomTown"

When prompted, click continue in BoomTown (allowing Structurely to access your BoomTown account)

In Structurely, your successful BoomTown connection will show with the toggle on

Now go you to your BoomTown log in here - click into any lead and click "add tag" and search "Structurely:" you should see a number of tags (this verifies the integration was successful)

❗ NOTE: if you have any Custom Script Assignment Rules in Structurely using the "tags" field, those values will be passed in BoomTown in the above step as part of the integration

❗ ❗ IMPORTANT: all values after the "Structurely: " except the following list, are considered "tags" to Structurely:

  • Structurely: Agent Follow-up

  • Structurely: Default

  • Structurely: Interested

  • Strucucturely: Muted

  • Structurely: Responded

(the BoomTown tags listed above, except for "Default" and "Muted" will be automatically added to leads in BoomTown as Structurely AI conversations ensue

How to pick the right script for the right lead in BoomTown

The Structurely: Default tag can be applied to immediately enroll Real Estate leads into a conversation in Structurely with no additional configuration.

However, it is important to note that if there is an assigned Buyer Agent, Listing Agent, or Lender on the lead you apply this tag to, Structurely will use that value to determine its script type. In the example below, because only the Buyer Agent is added, applying the Structurely: Default tag will enroll a lead into a Structurely new lead buyer conversation

If multiple agents are assigned, Structurely will use the agent value that was assigned first

❗ NOTE: it's typically not best practice to rely on the Structurely: Default tag entirely

To ensure your leads get the right Structurely Script, go to Structurely's Custom Script Assignment rules here

You will see a set of Structurely Default Rules that are automatically applied to your account. These rules will apply using the Structurely: Default logic listed above

To ensure your BoomTown leads get the right conversation, we recommend you create a custom Script Assignment Rule -- to do this click "Create Rule" then search and click "tags" then enter the name of the tag you wish to see in BoomTown to trigger a certain Structurely Script -- then select the script in Structurely you wish to map that tag to

Click refresh on this page, then make sure the rule is toggled on -- it should look like below

❗ NOTE: As of August 2022, at this time, you will now need to go back to step one and disconnect the Structurely + BoomTown integration and the re-connect the integration every time you add a Script Assignment Rule using tags in Sturcturely - this ensures that new tag value is brought into BoomTown, as will be seen in the next steps

Now, when you go back into your BoomTown account, you should see a new tag called "Structurely: <<the value of the tag you added in the steps above>>" this means Structurely is now able to accept that tag and it will route it to the proper script you mapped above

🎊 Congrats! Now every time you add that tag, or others you create like it, those leads will be enrolled into Structurely -- you can do this 1:1 or in bulk to your heart's content!

Managing the Structurely Conversation in BoomTown

Now that you've enrolled a lead into Structurely from BoomTown, you will be able to see the conversation (outbound and inbound messages) right in the BoomTown lead activity timeline as Notes

You can keep watching the conversation here as it ensues. As the lead responds, becomes interested and ultimately needs agent follow up, those tags will be added automatically by Structurely

When you're ready to take over the conversation from Structurely, you can add the "Structurely: Muted" tag to stop the AI

At this point, the AI has been stopped, and we recommend you take over the conversation yourself from within BoomTown

🎊 Congrats! You just watched a lead get engaged, qualified and taken over from your AI all right within BoomTown

Automatically sending leads to Structurely from BoomTown

In earlier steps, you saw how to manually enroll leads into Structurely using tags in BoomTown. But, imagine you have leads who you want to be automatically enrolled into Structurely without lifting a finger - here's how to set that up:

Go to Structurely Settings Integrations and click the Lead Enrollment Settings in the BoomTown box

In the pop up, you'll configure such that any time the agent in BoomTown you map in this screen gets assigned to a lead, all those leads will get the script mapped in the right. So here we say all leads assigned to the agent in BoomTown "Alyssa Smith" will be enrolled into Structurely

Now, we want all leads assigned to Alyssa Smith to get the buyer-revival tag, so they match the Script Assignment rules configured in an earlier step in this help article

So, now in BoomTown, all leads assigned (from now on) to Alyssa Smith (or the agent you mapped in the above step) will be automatically enrolled into Structurely using the Tag + Script Assignment Rules you mapped the agent assignment to above

❗ NOTE: this is an important feature because, BoomTown doesn't let you perform automation within itself to say "if lead criteria matches XYZ, then auto apply the Structurely tag XYZ" - BoomTown only lets you automatically configure criteria based agent assignment - so this feature bypasses BoomTown's restrictions and lets you accomplish the same results - so that when a lead matches XYZ criteria automatically assign it to an agent in BoomTown (which you likely are doing already) but now, also apply the right tag in Structurely to allow the lead to have the right conversation

The above-mentioned logic in BoomTown primarily lies in the "Lead Matching" tab πŸ‘‡

🎊 And viola - you've now configured Structurely + BoomTown so that any time a lead is assigned to a certain agent in BoomTown (automatically using Lead Matching) it will be enrolled into a specified Script in Structurely, 24/7/365.

To disconnect the Stucturely BoomTown integration at any time, go to Structurely > Settings > Integrations and click the blue toggled ON toggle in the BoomTown box and click Disconnect BoomTown in the pop-up

As always, reach out to if you need assistance with the BoomTown and Structurely setup configuration.


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