Structurely AI Assistant will now re-engage leads that have responded one or more times πΒ
Have you ever had a lead respond to a drip message, then fall off the face of the Earth?Β
It happens a lot, and now Structurely AI Assistant can take advantage of it's AI to send a follow-up message 24 hours after a lead doesn't respond, then again 4 days later.
Here's what a Re-Drip would look like:
Structurely AI Assistant will send the first Re-Drip 1 day later, then again 4 days after that if the lead is un-responsive.
Here's an example Re-Drip for a lead that didn't respond to the Roof Type Qualification Question
1 Day after no response to qualification question
{first name} - didn't hear back from you yesterday, what type of roof did you have in mind?
4 Days after no response to qualification question
Hey again {first name}, just want to make sure we're all on the same page - what is your preferred roofing material?
β NOTE: Each Re-Drip message is specific to the last question that was asked the lead didn't respond to (it's super smart that way) βΒ
We're already seeing higher engagement rates with these intelligent Re-Drips π
π The Structurely Team